
The journey of a quirky grasshopper

adulting with inattentive ADHD


Feminist Speak

Falling in love with my curly hair?

If you're wondering why my title comes with a question mark at the end...that's a good question! I'm falling in love with my curly hair, and I'm still getting used to the feeling! I still sometimes have a little 'hair... Continue Reading →


#Whyare'tyoumarriedyet? Grow up!


#Whyaren'tyoumarriedyet? Q: Do you think you're being picky? A: About the person I might spend the rest of my life?


#Whyaren'tyoumarriedyet? Are you aware that you might end up spending your life alone? For those of you who may not know, Alone is this invisible creature that quietly tags along with you everywhere you go. Like Mary's lost little lamb. 

Mr. Right . . . and other rom-com tropes

I'm attempting to unravel a big ball of 'crazy' here. Not really crazy, just thought I'd 'dress it up' a bit. Either way, bear with me please. Also keep in mind, any shoes you throw are liable to crack your screens. (HaHaHaHaaaaa Joke!Joke!) Here we go...

Not by the hair on my chiny chin chin

That Woman's Day, I wanted to hide away from people, disappear under a blanket; hide the hair on my chin that made the rest of my face ugly. Seeing how that wasn't possible, I wrapped my favourite scarf-cum-dupatta around my head and neck**, thinking and laughing a little about the irony of how I was spending the day. Not just any day, but that day, of all days.

Conversations we need to have…

I just had an interesting conversation with some friends over a cup of coffee and a slice of (forbidden) apple pie. It was the kind of conversation that usually ends up frustrating me to no end...

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